Hey everyone, This is just a quick up to date to let you all know we are going to start the SCTP Skeet/Trap with shotgun after the first of the year. Schedules are busy, hunting season is in full swing, and holidays are around the corner. I also need to take a little break. We were expecting a new baby in November but he came last week ( Oct.22) at 5 weeks early. He is doing great but is in the NICU as he is a little guy at 5lbs and 6oz. So I need to focus on him and family right now. I will continue to work on the program as I can but have put off registration and everything until January. Thanks for understanding and please be patient with my replies if you have any questions. Stacy ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Friday, October 29, 2010
Skeet/ shotgun
Monday, September 13, 2010
brief update for shooting
The shooting program is still looking for certified coaches in all disciplines. If you are interested in promoting shooting sports and working with kids PLEASE let me know! Skeet will be starting up soon .... We have received approval for a NRA grant and I am working on getting that shipped and delivered to us. That will provide a shotgun, ammo, and some safety gear for this season. We plan on practicing at the Tulsa Gun Club a couple of times a month (every other weekend) until after the first of the year. We will have a set schedule soon... We are accepting coaches applications and I can send those out via email. PLEASE remember that in order for the program to go forward and for other disciplines to begin we need coaches and volunteers to help! If you have a discipline you love please consider getting certified to coach and volunteering your time to the NOAH Shooting Sports program. You may contact me at shooting@noahjags.org if you have questions or would like to serve in the program. Thanks, Stacy Shooting AD |
Monday, August 23, 2010
shooting call for coaches
I am working on getting the upcoming year organized. If you have attended and completed a NRA coaches training and are interested in coaching any of the following shooting sports please contact Stacy at wnkhomeschool@yahoo.com or shooting@noahjags.org . When replying please list your name and sport you are qualified to coach. Our home club is the Tulsa Gun Club. Looking for coaches in following age groups: 4th & 5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th Disciplines: Shotgun (Skeet & Trap) Rifle Pistol Archery Air Rifle More information coming soon. Stacy ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Summer Skeet SCTP
Here is the latest on the summer shotgun team. We will only be shooting Skeet this round. There is a minimum of 4 per squad. We will make the following squads: Senior or JV (grade 9-12) Head Coach Kyle Heath Intermediate (grade 6-8) Rookie (5th & under) All squads will be listed as 1st year or Novice. Meaning first year of participation with SCTP. "Cherry Picking" or "stacking teams" will not be allowed!!! Participation is by 2009-2010 grade in school. State shoot is end of June, minimum of 6 "team" practices before state shoot. Individual practice as desired. Tulsa Gun Club will be our "home" club. Practices (as of now) to be held on Saturday mornings around 10am at TGC. To begin May 1. Requirements as follows: *Team fee $25 per shooter. Due by April 30, 2010. *Your membership to Tulsa Gun Club (student or family) *National Skeet Shooting Assoc membership ( NSSA) $20 *Ear & eye protection REQUIRED at all times! *Shooter responsbile for own ammo *All NOAH and SCTP participation forms to be completed and turned in to Stacy Smith (in separate email). I will collect forms and fees next week. Firearms are shooters responsiblity this round. You must own your own or you are responsbile to borrow one that YOU are responsible for. The NOAH program will not have firearms to loan until mid summer. Any shotgun action type, 12 gauge or smaller, may be used as long as it is in a safe and serviceable condition. Shotguns used for all the disciplines must be able to shoot twice without requiring it to be reloaded. ( Per SCTP Handbook pg 11, 8 sec E.) All NOAH policies and academic eligibility requirements will be followed. You may go to the SCTP website for more information about the program and there is a SCTP handbook I would encourage you to familiarize yourself with. Here is the link to cut and paste for handbook. http://noahjags.org/NOAH/forms/shooting/SCTP-Handbook.pdf More info soon... Thank you, Stacy Smith I |
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
SCTP forms/meeting 4-10
Hey everyone, Here are SCTP forms that you can download for the program. Do NOT give these to Mr. Blankenship! These need to come to me so that I know we have enough for a team and so that I can register us. I will give everything to Mr. Blankenship once fees are paid and we are registered. You can go ahead and have them ready and if you plan on coaching you can do those too. I will also have NOAH forms (shooters and coaches) that will have to be filled out. After the meeting with SCTP Saturday we will have a NOAH meeting later in the week ONLY for those interested in competeing in the next 3 months. This meeting will determine fees and we will do NOAH paperwork. If you know you want to do shotgun later (even in the fall) I would encourage you to go ahead and attend the meeting Saturday so you will have some insight into the program and you can do some planning this summer. Let me know if you need anything else... Stacy |
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Shotgun meeting set for Saturday, April 10
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
2/18 meeting recap
All NOAH guidelines for players, parents, and coaches will be followed. Forms will be required with a signature for code of conduct for each.
• All students must be homeschooled.
• Safety will be FIRST!!! This will NOT be a drop off sport!A parent /guardian is required to stay with the student at all activities where the firearms are present.
• Students must complete the Oklahoma Hunters Safety Certification (free).
• One parent /guardian representing the student is required to be Range Safety Officer certified through the NRA.
• Coaches/Assistant Coaches must apply and be approved through the NOAH board.
Building the Program-
We are hoping to offer the following disciplines:
• Shotgun
• .22 Rifle
• .22 Pistol
• Air Rifle
• Air Pistol
• Archery (compound & recurve)
For each discipline to go forward, we must have at least one NRA certified coach per discipline and the firearms. Firearms may be personally owned, obtained through a grant or raised funds, or donated to the program (NOAH is a 501 3c and this is a tax deductible donation).
Coaches will be required to be NRA certified. Training dates will be arranged throughout the year. The following dates are already on the calendar through the Boy Scout Resource Center. You must pre- register and prepay for each of these courses by the due date. Do NOT register online through the NRA website for these courses. These are being given at a special rate to NOAH to support youth shooting sports. You must contact me to let me know you are taking the course for NOAH so that I can inform the instructors to give you the NRA certification and not the Boy Scouts certification. You can send me a copy of your certification once completed.
Scheduled course dates are as follows:
• Feb. 27, Range Safety Officer, 8am-6pm, pre register by Feb. 24, $29.50.
• Mar. 24, 26, & 27, Shotgun Instructor, pre register by Mar. 17, $72.50.
• May 5, 7, & 8, Rifle Instructor, pre register by April 28, $68.00.
• June 2 & 5, Basic Archery Instructor, pre register by May 26, $48.00.
• Sept. 1, 3, & 4, Pistol Instructor, pre register by August 25, $69.50.
You may be certified in any or all of these disciplines. I would recommend you be certified in the disciplines that your child participates in so that you can always attend meets if your coach cannot go.
My goal is to schedule our team's Hunters Safety course in late spring. If you see another schedule works better for you, please feel free to take the course at your convenience. You do not have to take the course with the team.
There are several leagues and programs to participate through: SCTP, NRA, CMP, USA Shooting, Amateur Trap & Skeet Associations, etc…we will look at programs with the coaches and team members to determine our participation.
I will be scheduling meetings "per discipline" for a more in depth look of programs and participation. Currently, there is more interest in shotgun and rifle, so these discipline meetings will be scheduled first.
We also need to build a staff:
I will need an Assistant, Treasurer, Secretary, Uniform Committee, Fundraising Committee, etc. if you feel you can assist in any of these areas please let me know.
We do have a team blog. You may sign up through the NOAH site on the shooting page. I will also have a yahoo group for team members that will have a calendar and other pertinent information on it.
Fees are yet to be determined. This will be fees on the discipline you choose. We will have a nominal NOAH participation fee, but my goal is to get sponsors that will help carry some of the team expenses. Commitment and helping to raise funds will help tremendously in keeping costs down.
Thank you,
Stacy Smith
Athletic Director, NOAH Shooting Sports
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Parent meeting announcement
Shooting Sports team!
Teams are forming for ages 8-19, boys and girls.
General Interest Meeting
Thursday, February 18, 6:30pm
Broken Arrow Library (west of Main & Broadway)
We are looking for team members, coaches, and assistant coaches. If interested, please make arrangements to attend this meeting as this will help me with equipment requests and planning.
We are hoping to offer the following disciplines:
•.22 Rifle and Pistol
•Air Rifle and Air Pistol
•Archery Recurve and Compound
Please try to attend even if you do not have a firearm at this time. We are working on grants, and will be doing some fundraisers to help build the program. If unable to attend the meeting, please contact me via email by February 18, with information on which discipline your child would be most interested in participating.
I will also have dates available for NRA training at a significant discount for those interested in coaching.
Stacy Smith: shooting@noahjags.org
Athletic Director Shooting Sports
NOAH-Northeast Oklahoma Association of Homeschools