Fw: Subject:
11 years ago
TO: NRA Shotgun Instructors RE: NRA Range Safety Officer Training, Saturday, August 6, 2011 We still have a few openings left for the NRA Range Safety Officer course, that will be held on Saturday, August 6, 2011. Scouters attending this course do NOT have to be an NRA Instructor. As you know, the 2011 Guide to Safe Scouting requires a NRA (discipline specific) Instructor and a NRA Range Safety Officer for each discipline specific (Rifle, Shotgun, Muzzleloading Rifle, and for Venturers only - Pistol) shooting activity. If you have more than one shooting activity running simultaneously (for example, Rifle and Shotgun), you will need a NRA Range Safety Officer for each range. Currently we have scouters registered for the NRA Range Safety Officer course from the following units: Unit # - # scouters registered Troop 80 - 4 Troop 412 - 1 Troop 44 - 1 Troop 185 - 1 Troop 234 - 1 Troop 214 - 4 Troop 8 - 1 Please promote this traininig in your units. This is the last NRA RSO course for 2011. The deadline for registration is August 3rd, or until the maximum number or participants is registered. I have attached the registration form or registration is available online at this link http://www.okscouts.org/2011/05/nra-range-safety-officer-course/ Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Thanks, Denise and Larry |
I will be "cleaning up" the email loop. If you wish to no longer receive emails about shooting please email me back with "remove" in the subject line. I will then delete you from my list. I will be switching lists and regrouping the list at the end of June. I will also be using the blog for general shooting info but I will be breaking the email list up by disciplines for simplicity and informational purposes. If you are subscribed to the blog...this will not effect you at this time. Thank you, Stacy |
Reminder of our state shoot this coming weekend the 11th! Be at the gun club no later than 8:15. If your not shooting BUT are interested this would be a good time to see the kids shoot and support the team. Be sure to wear your "jag wear" and come support our shooting squads! Stacy |
Our SCTP state shoot for skeet is coming up on June 11th at the Tulsa Gun Club. We will have 2 squads competing. We are excited about the progress they are making and looking forward to our NOAH kids doing well! We are practicing each week on Saturday mornings at 10:30am at the Tulsa Gun Club. After our state shoot we are looking at some other opportunities for the kids to keep shooting. We are also working on providing a "gun safety training" for new shooters and volunteers. This will most likely be held late summer/early fall. More details to come... We have been very blessed and would like to thank the NRA for their support for our program! Because of their generosity, our students are having their ammunition provided each week. That is a savings of about $15 per week/ per student! THANK YOU to the NRA!!! Keep shooting! Stacy |
If you need to get me your forms and fees I will be at the NOAH fields on 129th between 81st & 91st on Tuesday @ 5:00pm If you need to get your info to me please be sure to meet me. I drive a white Chevy Suburban and I will have a sign that says "shooting" for those who don't know me. This will be rain or shine! I will be in the church parking lot. Thanks, Stacy ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hey everyone, No practice for Saturday due to weather. If you need to get me your paperwork or fees you will need to meet me and get it to me by Tuesday! I will set up a location and time for Mon or Tues that everyone can meet at one time to get your stuff to me. Please email me and let me know if you need to meet me so I know who to expect and see what I need to do to get your info. Email me at shooting@noahjags.org This is for skeet only. Remember you have to have your Hunter's Safety Card and your NSSA membership to shoot in the state shoot. If you have any questions or need additional info let me know. Stacy ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Just a reminder that there is no "skeet" practice today. See you next weekend! Don't forget forms and fees are due next weekend! Stac ![]() ![]() ![]() |
We will be shooting shotguns this Satuday, April 9 at the Tulsa Gun Club at 10:30. I will be sending out the email with fee information and all the forms attached Monday or Tuesday. Stacy ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hey everyone, We will be shooting skeet this Saturday, April 2, at the Tulsa Gun Club at 10:30am. I will have information to tell you about shooting and I will send out an email to follow up with forms attached. Stacy ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Info for upcoming classes for NRA instructors, Do NOT wait until the last minute. There is usually a waiting list and class sizes are limited. So if you know you want to attend get signed up and paid ASAP. These classes are MUCH cheaper than through the NRA site and are only offered once a year through the BSA. NRA Range Safety Officer Course, THIS WEEKEND, Feb 26, 8am-6pm, $32.00 as of today they were not full. NRA Shotgun Instructor Course, Mar 16,18, & 19, all 3 days required, $78.00 NRA Archery Instructor Course May 4 & 7, both days required, $51.00 All classes held at Oil Capital Rod & Gun Club, Coweta. Courses are offered through the Boy Scouts of America. You must go to the BSA office to pick up the sign up sheet, fill it out, and pre pay. Sign up sheets are on the desk hanging. If you cannot find them just ask someone to help you pick up the sign up sheet your looking for. Indian Nations Council, BSA- Donald W. Reynolds Scout Resource Center, 4295 S Garnett Rd, Tulsa, The BSA has nothing to do with NOAH. They cannot answer questions or give info about NOAH. We are simply signing up to take the instructor courses as would anyone else. If you have questions please contact me at shooting@noahjags.org ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hey everyone, I wanted to touch base and let you all know we will be sending out some dates soon. We will do shotgun registrations and start practices end of February beginning of March. We will set some dates and have some back up dates in case of bad weather. There will be a state shoot in June and we will be required by SCTP to have "at least" 6 team practices. I encourage you all to be shooting on your own when possible. Remember our program is new and it will take time to build up coaching staff and volunteers. Until then, some of the practices will be up to you. Over the next few days I will be sending some updates for cost and what organizational fees you will need to have in order to shoot with SCTP. Remember you will also have a Tulsa Gun Club memebership fee too. If you have an interest in coaching or volunteering in any capacity please let me know. As of right now we have 3 coaches for shotgun and we would love to have many more. We will only be doing shotgun until we have a coaching staff for the other disciplines. If you have any questions or would like to help you may contact me at shooting@noahjags.org Thanks, Stacy |